Day 13: Going Home, and Saying Goodbye

The Dreaded Morning
The day started with last minute packing and an early breakfast. For those of the group they enjoyed the expensive hotel breakfast we ate with a last reminder of why we were in Finland in the first place. A reminder of sustainability with a boy dressed in plastic surrounded by a rundown home. After breakfast we made the trek to the train station, getting there just in time to make a train to the Helsinki Airport.

Food In the Airport
Once though check in which was massively different and easier from the Toronto airport. We were able to enjoy some duty free shopping and last minute food. Where we noticed something that we observed many times through the expedition. Many restaurants will provide people with a pager when ordering food instead of a waiter. The pager is a circular disk-like tool where a customer can find a seat to which the disk will vibrate and flash red to alert when food is ready. In Canada the majority of time, customers are given a number and required to congregate at the order area while the worker yells out the number to alert whose order is ready. This causes a lot of congestion and can overwhelm the worker with the volume of people waiting for their order. This workflow also causes stress for the customer because they have to be very attentive so that they do not miss their number being called. Based on our observation, the restaurant pager widely used in Finland greatly contributes to social sustainability as the workers are not overwhelmed by the large number of customers standing around waiting for their food. It also reduces stress for the customers because with the pager they can find a comfortable seat and return there to focus on something more meaningful such as conversation with their friends, work they were trying to complete on a computer, reading a book and so on while they wait for their food.

The Flights and Goodbyes
From the Helsinki Airport we made a short flight to Frankfurt where we had to rush through the airport with a quick stop for food. (One thing you notice about our group is we love our food) We did not have a lot of time from our first flight to our second one but we all did make it in the end.
While the flight to Toronto had some turbulence we all made it safe and sound in the end. We made it through customs which has become mostly electronic and streamlined which is a great show of sustainability. We all headed to pick up our luggage, while we waited we talked about our amazing and unique trip, the good times we shared, and how much we would miss each other. With many tears shed we agreed to stay in touch and we all went our separate ways. Whether that be directly home, on another flight, or staying in Toronto for a bit of rest before making that last journey. The students would like to thank Anahit and Anahita for all their planning and support, along with Nipissng university. The staff and students at Karelia University's business academy and all that they did for us. Finally we would like to thank GSO for funding and making this amazing learning experience possible. #GlobalSkillsCA, #CompétencesMondialesCA


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